A dermatologist is a specialist medical doctor, highly specialised in analysing, evaluating, examining and diagnosing diseases of the skin.
This field has grown to also include the care and enhancement of normal skin as well as optimising skin health through lifestyle choices. Often the prime consideration of a patient is to prevent and/or reverse ageing of the skin. Nowadays the focus is on non-invasive treatments. Therefore who better to see to your skin problem than a DERMATOLOGIST.

Dr Marianne Duvenage, and Dr Carpenter-Kling, offer a full range of appropriate cosmetic and medical treatments.
Specialist Dermatologist Dr Marianne Duvenage, believes in providing professional and ethical skin care services and medical treatments through utilization and continued research within our specialist area to each individual patient. Our Dermatologists and skin specialists remain passionate about their daily work and focused on the individual needs, concerns, conditions and financial means of each patient. As Dermatologists and skin specialists, we strive to restore the delicate balance between happiness and misery due to conditions of the skin. The skin being only a millimeter thick is very vulnerable and is the first contact of communication of each individual with the outside world. Dr Marianne Duvenage believes that the education of each patient on preventative and future skin care is essential to the success of any skin treatment. We listen to our patients and ensure that each patient leaves our Specialist Dermatology Practice informed, as well as armed with the right treatment and with hope.
+27 012 460 4646
+27 078 955 1256
+27 012 460 6389